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Hi There,
Send us a message using the form below and we'll get back to you as soon as we can! Alternatively you can email us directly at Our operating hours are 9am-5pm AEDT Monday to Friday.
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Commonly Asked:
DONATIONS: Kindly be aware that we are currently not accepting any donation requests. Emails regarding donation requests will not receive a response at this time.
MADE A MISTAKE WITH YOUR ORDER: If you need to update an incorrect address, make changes to your order, or have any other order-related inquiries, please use the form below to email us. Don’t worry—we check this inbox before orders are packed.
KIDS PONCHOS: They have been discontinued and removed from our website.
- Beach Bags: Any beach bags that sell out will not be restocked until spring 2025 due to long production lead times.
If you’re eager to get a beach bag prior to spring 2025, please visit our stockist page and reach out to your nearest stockist to see if they have the one you’re after in stock.
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